On Tuesday, Nicole talked about depending on God in the midst of a busy holiday season. As a mom with young kids, mine is a busy season regardless of whether it’s a holiday or not. Christmas only adds to the feeling of “being overwhelmed” and “having no time.” It only increases the temptation I already face to rationalize away my quiet times.
Even though I might not be able to have extended times as I did when I was single or newly married, I must not neglect my relationship with the Lord simply because I have young children. Whether it means getting up early or taking time over the boy’s naps, I must make every effort to seek God’s face and receive His grace.
Recently, I’ve begun “tracking” my times with the Lord. I write down how much time I spend with the Lord each day, or a “0” for none at all. This is not a legalistic attempt to earn God’s approval. Rather, it is to help remind me of the importance of seeking God and to help keep me from neglecting my relationship with Him.
On this topic, I want to encourage you to read an article by Donald Whitney, author of Simplify Your Spiritual Life. He both empathizes with the unique challenges a young mom faces, and yet encourages us not to neglect our pursuit of the spiritual disciplines. But even if you don’t have young children, this is a timely article for all of us going into the Christmas season: “Do What You Can.” And do it all in the shadow of the cross.
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