Time to dive into our little series on modesty. Just a small disclaimer before we begin-- some of the content that we will be presenting this week is adapted from a message by my dad entitled “The Soul of Modesty.” He has kindly agreed to let us steal his material and give it a little girltalk twist. Thanks, Dad!
We are gonna hang out on three main points:
✿ The attitude of a modest woman
✿ The appearance of a modest woman
✿ The allegiance of a modest woman
Soon after Caly was born, I packed away all of my maternity clothes and eagerly dug out my “regular” clothes. I was excited. I thought it would feel like shopping, but without spending any money. When I pulled out my storage bags from under the bed, however, there wasn’t much there. What happened to all of my clothes? What was I wearing before I got pregnant? I still haven’t figured that one out. Anyway, I’m currently borrowing a pair of jeans from my mom and planning a little “wardrobe rebuilding” trip soon.
But before my trip to the mall, something far more important must take place. I must first evaluate my heart. My dad says it this way, “Any biblical discussion of modesty begins by addressing the heart, not the hemline.” So what is this heart we’re supposed to have? 1 Timothy 2:9-10 makes it clear. It says that “Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control.” These two qualities are to inform the way that I dress. Let’s check out these definitions.
Modesty--“Propriety: The avoidance of clothing and adornment that is extravagant, showy, and sexually enticing.”
Self Control--“Restraint, moderation for the purpose of purity.”
Maybe modesty is a word you don’t really want to think about. Perhaps you’ve had a vague idea that it means “ugly” or “out of style.” It may not have occurred to you that God has something to say about the clothes you wear.
As do all Scriptural commands, this command to modesty and self-control has broader implications than merely externals, what we wear. It goes right to the heart of WHY we wear what we wear. Our clothes, whether we realize it or not, say something. They give us away. They reveal the heart behind the clothes we wear. A modest heart comes before modest dress.
So what do your clothes say about your heart? What would we discover if we met your closet before we met you? Do your clothes reveal a heart of modesty and self-control? If you are not sure, check back tomorrow when we will take a look at what a modest heart is not.
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