In response to yesterday’s post on child discipline, one of our readers, Stephanie sent me the following email:
I wanted to share a quote with you that a dear friend wrote out and gave to me right after my first was born. I have it posted on a cabinet by my sink so that I have to read it every time I do dishes. It has been such an encouragement to me, like your quote. It truly is imperative that we train our children with an eye for their souls. May God be our strength during this incredible task!
“That she has trained her children for heaven, rather than for earth, for God, rather than for man--she is the parent that will be considered wise at last. Train with an eye to my children's souls. We are made what we are by training. Our character takes the form of what mold into which our first years were cast. The path of obedience is the way in which He gives blessing. Determine to make your children obey you, though it cost you much trouble, and cost them many tears. Obedience is the only reality. The mark of well-trained children is that they do whatsoever their parents command them - cheerfully, willingly and at once." John Ryle 1888
Thanks for this wonderful quote and important reminder, Stephanie!
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