When Elizabeth Prentiss was unable to visit her dear friend Carrie, who like her, lost two children, she extended the following words of comfort:
"I long to fly to you and weep with you; it seems as if I must say or do something to comfort you. But God only can help you now and how thankful I am for the throne of grace and power where I can commend you, again and again, to Him who doeth all things well. ...Dear Carrie, I trust that in this hour of sorrow you have with you that Presence, before which alone sorrow and sighing flee away. God is left; Christ is left; sickness, accident, death cannot touch you here. Is that not a blissful thought? May sorrow bring us both nearer to Christ!”
Today's link takes us to Covenant Life Church where my dad also extends words of comfort from Scripture to those who are suffering. In this message entitled “Transformed in Trials” he considers how we can emulate the prophet Habakkuk’s example when circumstances—such as Elizabeth and Carrie’s—seem to contradict the character and promises of God.
Thanks to the good folks at the Sovereign Grace Store, this message is available as a free download through the month of March.
May these words strengthen and encourage those of you who are presently “walking through the valley.”
BOOK CLUB ASSIGNMENT: Please read chapter seven this week.
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