“From one man he made every nation of men…and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” Acts 17:26
A lot’s been happening with the Mahaney clan lately, and we want to fill you in on the details. Over the next few days we’re going to tell you a story—a story that first began over ten years ago, when Chad was still a little guy, and the girls were living at home.
It was then that CJ and I first began to consider moving to a different house in the area. We pursued various options including purchasing land, buying in a new neighborhood that was being developed, and moving to a previously owned home. We even got so far as drawing up contracts and picking out home designs. Over and over, it would seem like everything was falling into place, only to have it all fall apart. Each time we tried to move, God’s answer was loud and clear: not right now!
So, we waited. A lot of life transpired in the waiting. Each of my girls got married. Chad grew up. Also, many of my friends moved, seemingly without any trouble.
Occasionally I was tempted to wonder, why? Why was God not opening the doors for us to move? However I was encouraged by Scripture, which over and over again affirms the sovereignty, love, and wisdom of God. He had chosen the exact place we were supposed to live. I was wonderfully content and began to think this might be the place we would spend the rest of our lives.
Until now. This year, God has provided a new (well, new to us!) home in the area. And it happened in such a way that enabled us to serve two of our children and their families in the process.
How’d it all happen?
Janelle will pick up the story tomorrow.
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