Of all the God-given opportunities for teenage girls, few are overlooked more than her relationship with her mom. The world peddles friends and mom substitutes as more desirable. Even in the church, many have disregarded the importance of a mother’s role.
But a whole, new exciting world of parent-child relating is to be found in God’s Word. Verse after verse insists that Mom and Dad play an active and primary role in their children’s lives.
Take Proverbs as an example. It fairly explodes with instructions to the son [and daughter] to “Hear…your father’s instruction and forsake not your mother’s teaching” and to “receive [your parent’s] words and treasure…[their] commandments” (Prov. 1:8, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 10, 20, etc.).
“God essentially says this,” explains author Paul Tripp, “‘I have designed the family to be my primary learning community. There is no better context to teach the truths that need to be taught so that my people would live the way they should live.”
God has chosen your mom to be your primary teacher, to be the foremost influence in your life. God has handpicked her to be your mom, and she possesses unique wisdom from God for you.
When you pay close attention to your mom’s teaching, the Bible predicts a splendid outcome: “…for the length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you…you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man” (Prov 3:2, 4).
Following your mother’s teaching will launch you into a lifetime of blessing and honor. What a sweet deal!
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