Courtney anticipated our post for today when she wrote to ask:
What do you do when your mother isn't a Christian and her advice isn't biblically based?
First of all, do not despair—you have not been left out. God has not overlooked your need for godly wisdom or given you His second best deal. He who knit you together in your mother’s womb has ordained all your days (Ps. 139:13, 16). His work in your life is not limited by the fact that your mother is not a Christian. Your present circumstances contain unique opportunities to glorify God and know Him more.
Here are two ways to take advantage of the special deals you have in front of you:
1. Honor your mother. By obeying her rules (when they are not contrary to Scripture) and treating her with love and respect as your mother, you will show her the power of the gospel at work in your life. And where you can, follow her advice when it is consistent with God’s Word. For example, if she encourages you to work hard in school or be kind to others or keep your room clean, these are all things that can bring glory to God. So do them wholeheartedly! Most of all, pray that God would open her heart to the gospel, and show her the same mercy he has shown to you.
2. Pray for and pursue godly counsel. In Titus 2:3-5 God directs all older women to train the younger women in the qualities of biblical womanhood. And God never issues a command that is not accompanied by the support we need to see it through. You are not hindered from learning how to be a godly woman because you do not have a godly mom. God will supply another woman to teach you. He knows every detail of your situation and nothing will impede his purposes in your life.
So pray right now, and ask Him to provide a mentor. You are simply praying God’s Word back to Him. You are asking for His assistance to obey His Word. Imagine how eager He is to answer this request.
Then go in search of a godly woman to train you in biblical womanhood. This may be your pastor’s wife, or she could possibly recommend someone else. But have confidence--God will surely provide.
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