The good works that God has prepared for us are most often the ones closest to us. “God has created us to do our good works in the midst of the humdrum of daily living,” explains author Jerry Bridges.
Not glamorous, I know; but we’ll get to that.
Good works begin at home right outside our bedroom door. Paul says that young people should “first learn to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God” (1 Timothy 5:4).
Doing good to our family is often harder than doing it for someone else. But it is a mark of sincere love for Christ. So how can you serve your Mom or Dad today? How can you do good to your siblings? No one else may see, but these deeds are pleasing to God.
The Bible also says that we are to “do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10). “We are called to follow Christ together…with some particular people” says Pastor Mark Dever. And these particular people make up the local church in which God has placed you.
The church where your family is involved is not just your parents’ church. God has called you there as well. He has good works lined up for you to do in that church. In fact, God has given you unique gifts and talents specifically for use in your church. Ask your mom, dad, and pastor how you can use those gifts to do good for those in your church.
Finally, the godly young woman is to reach out and do good to all people. First, you should look for ways to share the gospel with our local community. Participating in your church’s evangelistic efforts, bringing a friend to church, or caring for the poor are all deliberate deeds worthy of your devotion.
You can even do good to those around the globe by sponsoring a child, raising money for churches, praying for the persecuted church, or even going on a short term mission trip. Prayerfully consider, along with your parents, what good deeds God has called you to do for others.
Genuine good works don’t point to us. They are like big neon signs that point to Christ. “It is when people see these [good works]….they will glorify God, for they embody the good news of his love which we proclaim.” says John Stott.
So get going already…and show off the love of Christ.
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